Final Recap: Week ⌈π⌉ of MathPath 2021
For our final Saturday activity, students were grouped into teams to solve a Movie Mystery, where they were assigned characters and had to use math and their deductive skills to get clues and discover which character was the saboteur! The last round of Sunday activities included a screening of Hidden Figures , a puzzle hunt made by counselor Hannah, an Ultimate Spelling Bee, and a final chess tournament. Dr. Cornelia Van Cott taught Metrics on the Plane this week. In the fourth week of MathPath, Dr. Lidia Mrad joined the faculty to teach Single Variable Optimization, and Prof B, Dr. Z, and Dr. V all returned to each teach one last breakout for the 2021 program. Silas Johnson taught Special Relativity and Math and Music, both of which had students buzzing about the mind-blowing content of their breakouts! After Dr. Kent's incredible history plenaries (Kentaries!), she taught Game Theory in the afternoon this week. Dr. Cornelia Van Cott taught two breakouts again this week, Integer...